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Do Dogs Eat Cabbage Everything You Need to Know

Do Dogs Eat Cabbage: Everything You Need to Know

Do Dogs Eat Cabbage? A Complete Guide to Safety, Benefits, and Risks

Many dog owners inquire about feeding cabbage to their dogs. Do Dogs Eat Cabbage? This leafy vegetable contains beneficial nutrients like fiber and vitamins that can contribute to your dog’s health. I’ll explain the safe methods for offering cabbage to your dog and highlight potential concerns.

Your canine companion can enjoy this crunchy treat when you follow the appropriate guidelines.

Key Takeaways

  • Dogs can safely eat small amounts of cabbage – both raw and cooked forms are okay, but cooked is better.
  • Cabbage gives dogs key nutrients like vitamin C, K, B6, fiber, calcium, and magnesium that help their health.
  • Raw cabbage has thiocyanate, which can hurt a dog’s thyroid if they eat too much of it often.
  • Steam or boil cabbage and cut it into small pieces to make it safer for dogs to eat.
  • Ask your vet first, and watch your dog when adding cabbage to their meals to check for bad reactions.
Do Dogs Eat Cabbage: Everything You Need to Know

Can Dogs Eat Cabbage?

Do Dogs Eat Cabbage: Everything You Need to Know

Dogs can safely consume cabbage in small quantities. The American Kennel Club’s Chief Veterinary Officer, Dr. Jerry Klein, verifies this vegetable as a safe treat for canines. Dogs can consume red, green, Savoy, Napa, or bok choy cabbage varieties.

These vegetables contain numerous beneficial nutrients for your dog’s health.

Both raw and cooked cabbage are suitable for dogs, with cooked being preferable. Plain, unseasoned cabbage provides the most advantages for your pet. Avoid adding butter, onions, or garlic, as these ingredients can be harmful to dogs.

Portion control is crucial. Your dog should only receive small amounts of this vegetable as an occasional treat, not as a primary food source.

Benefits of Cabbage for Dogs

Cabbage provides significant health benefits for your dog. This vegetable contains substantial fiber that improves your dog’s digestion. The fiber helps regulate bowel movements, making elimination easier.

Your dog also receives essential nutrients such as vitamin C, which combats free radicals in their body. Vitamin K aids in proper blood clotting, while B6 supports red blood cell production.

These nutrients work together to strengthen your pet’s immune system and maintain their health.

Cabbage’s benefits extend beyond basic nutrition. This vegetable supplies calcium and magnesium to support muscle strength and nerve function. Beta-carotene in cabbage contributes to eye health and may reduce cancer risk.

The potassium in cabbage supports muscle function and nerve transmission. Uncooked cabbage contains higher levels of vitamin C than cooked cabbage, but both forms offer substantial health benefits for your pet.

The antioxidants protect your pet’s cells from damage and support healthy aging. Your dog receives these nutritional benefits without excess calories, making cabbage an effective option for weight management.

Risks of Feeding Cabbage to Dogs

Dogs face real risks from eating too much cabbage. Large amounts of raw cabbage contain thiocyanate, which harms their thyroid function. This issue worsens if dogs eat raw cabbage frequently.

Some breeds experience excessive gas and bloating from cabbage, resulting in stomach pain. Large pieces of cabbage can also obstruct their throat.

Your dog might show signs of distress after consuming excessive amounts of cabbage. These signs include gas, abdominal swelling, and respiratory difficulties. The fiber in cabbage can irritate their stomach and cause diarrhea.

Small dogs and brachycephalic breeds require additional caution with cabbage. Their narrow throats increase their susceptibility to choking on firm cabbage pieces.

How to Safely Serve Cabbage to Dogs

You can prepare cabbage for your dog with a few simple steps. Cut the cabbage into small pieces and steam it until soft to help your pup digest it more easily.

Cooked vs. Raw Cabbage

Cooked cabbage provides more advantages for dogs compared to raw cabbage. Raw cabbage contains thiocyanate, which may negatively affect your dog’s thyroid if consumed frequently. Dogs process cooked cabbage more easily, and it produces less gas.

Steaming or boiling softens the tough fibers that make raw cabbage difficult to digest.

Many dogs prefer the soft texture of cooked cabbage over raw pieces. Boiled cabbage is a safer option as it decreases the choking hazard. The cooking process also eliminates potentially harmful bacteria that might be present on raw vegetables.

Cut the cooked cabbage into small, bite-sized pieces before adding it to your dog’s food bowl. This makes the vegetable easier to eat and digest.


Cabbage is a nutritious and flavorful addition to your dog’s diet. Your canine companion can safely consume this vegetable when prepared correctly and given in appropriate amounts.

Incorporate small pieces of cooked cabbage into their regular meals to provide extra nutrients and fiber. Introduce it gradually and observe your pet’s reaction to this new food item.

Consult your veterinarian before including cabbage in your dog’s regular diet.

Discover more about your furry friend’s diet by exploring our guide on which nuts are safe for dogs to eat.


1. Is cabbage safe for dogs to eat?

Yes, dogs can safely eat cabbage. Both green cabbage and red cabbage are fine to feed your pooch when given in moderation. Like many other vegetables, cabbage is low in calories and good for your dog’s health.

2. What are the health benefits of feeding cabbage to dogs?

Cabbage is packed with vitamins C and K, dietary fiber, and nutrients that boost your dog’s immune system. It’s also a good source of protein, similar to other cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower.

3. How should I prepare cabbage for my dog?

When preparing cabbage for your dog’s food, dice it into small pieces. You can serve it raw or cooked, but avoid feeding spices, salt, or seasonings. Make sure to keep portions small, especially if your dog has never tried it before.

4. Can cabbage cause any digestive issues in dogs?

Yes, like other cruciferous veggies, cabbage can cause gas and digestive issues if your dog eats a lot. Feed cabbage in moderation and consult with your veterinarian if your dog shows signs of an upset stomach.

5. Are there any parts of cabbage that are toxic to dogs?

Unlike some vegetables like onions or tomatoes that are poisonous to dogs, no part of cabbage is toxic. However, cabbage sprouts might cause an upset stomach, so it’s best to stick with regular cabbage leaves.

6. How often can I feed my dog cabbage?

You can safely add small amounts of cabbage to your dog’s diet 2-3 times a week. When you first introduce cabbage, start with tiny portions to see how your dog’s digestive system responds. This helps avoid issues like pancreatitis or flatulence.